I swear, it’s as though I’m running a gull portrait studio, here. They come, they pose, they eat everything in sight. Bastards.
(Another quick drive-by birding. Awfully busy, this week.)
I swear, it’s as though I’m running a gull portrait studio, here. They come, they pose, they eat everything in sight. Bastards.
(Another quick drive-by birding. Awfully busy, this week.)
It’s been a disgusting, humid, wet, rainy, clammy day, and I’m tired, so I’ll get straight to the pictures, shall I?
Wet House Sparrow
Wet Crows
Wet Gullie Bastards
Wet Finches
I’d hoped to intercept some wet chickadees, and maybe a wet hummingbird, to round out the parade, but those had the sense to avoid the downpour.