The WTFerfowl! Of course! I should’ve known — THAT’S a cormorant! It’s a double-crested cormorant! And I saw it, this morning, exactly where Mother said it would be, perched on this weird arched metal jobbie in the middle of False Creek. (I’ve no idea what that is — a piece of modern art? A water pump? Something to do with boats?) Anyway, it’s a wee metal archey thing sticking up out of the water, and cormorants like to sit on it. Two of them were there, this morning, when I went to check. They’re still there, now. I can see them from my balcony, through my longest lens (just the shapes of them, not their markings) — but now I know where to look.

The next challenge will be to get a picture. Today, I went all the way down to the water’s edge, but the archey thing’s on the other side of False Creek. If I wanted a photo of the cormorants, I’d have to get closer, somehow. I tried to snap them from this side, but all I got were fuzzy black shapes, with orangey smudges round their beaks.

It seems I’ve got two options, if I want crisp, luscious snaps of cormorants:

a) cross the water, somehow;
b) haunt the seawall, till I spot one on this side.

I’ve seen them on this side, before, but always hiding between boats, or skulking under the jetty near Monk McQueen’s restaurant. They’re not easy to approach — the minute they see you coming, they melt into the shadows, or vanish behind some obstacle…obstinate birds! Getting a picture from this side will be challenging. That leaves…going to the other side. It looks like I could get within forty feet of their perch, from there. I could snap them all day, if I felt so inclined. But I haven’t been on the other side of the water since…well, since I lived there, which was ages ago. Four or five years, I think. What say? — time I went back?

Apparently, there are two other species of cormorant I might also spot around here, with a bit of luck: Brandt’s and pelagic ones. I’d particularly like to see the former…those do look a bit regal (for cormorants, anyway), all shiny, with yon blue patches.

Annoying Bird Tricks

Rang up Mother, today, for her birthday, and the mystery of the regal brown birds may be solved: CORMORANTS! They were cormorants! Specific variety possibly to follow, if Mother can identify it from pictures. “Regal” isn’t a word I’d ordinarily associate with a cormorant — nasty, boaky birds that they are — but I’m proper jealous. I haven’t seen any cormorants. And I’ve been looking every day for anything regal and brown.

Today, I’ve only gulls and crows to report: badly-behaved gulls and crows.


The crows are still messing with my ornamental stones.

A decorative stone from my planter, now on the roof of an adjacent building, thanks to crows.

A decorative stone from my planter, now on the roof of an adjacent building, thanks to crows.

Was it you?  I KNOW IT WAS YOU!

Was it you? I KNOW IT WAS YOU!

One day, I’m going to catch a crow in the act, flying off with a stone in its claws. I’ve seen them do it, but I’ve never managed to time it just right, with the camera. They seem reluctant to steal when they know I’m watching. At first, I thought I was anthropomorphising, with that, but no joke, they’ll eat just fine when I’m sitting on the balcony, and hang about sunning themselves, but they won’t mess with the stones, or leave anything unsavoury. They wait till my back’s turned, for that.


These are the feet of a greedy, greedy gull, raiding my feeder.

These are the feet of a greedy, greedy gull, raiding my feeder.

Look at the light shining through those chapped, scaly legs! You can see bones, blood vessels…essential gull parts.


This gull isn't being annoying.  It did squawk loudly for a while, but at the time this picture was taken, it was just lurking on the railing, letting the breeze ruffle its feathers.

This gull isn’t being annoying. It did squawk loudly for a while, but at the time this picture was taken, it was just lurking on the railing, letting the breeze ruffle its feathers.

Anyhow, the search is on for cormorants. If Mother gets to see them, I should, too. She’s not even a birder! Unfair.