Gormless Gull and Wet Sparrow

Aren't gulls the most gormless-looking creatures?  They give Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster a run for his money.

Aren’t gulls the most gormless-looking creatures? They give Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster a run for his money.

No chickadees today, I’m afraid: it seems they’re no more enamoured of this weather than I. As I shuffled along Bucketwheel, camera clutched to my chest, brolly perched on my head, I could hear the birds, but I couldn’t see them. They were all in the bushes, hiding from the rain.

But what’s this? — a single, bedraggled song sparrow pokes up his head —

A hapless song sparrow, getting rained upon (Moberly Rd. & Bucketwheel).

A hapless song sparrow, getting rained upon (Moberly Rd. & Bucketwheel).

— and is recorded for posterity. Burn.

Gull Infestation

Horrible gull!

Get out of here!

Been getting loads of these buggers round the feeder, lately. The crows are doing their best to deter them — mobbing them, pulling their tails when they stoop to feed, loudly besquawking them — but to little avail. What does one do about a gull infestation? I don’t mind the crows; they’re polite. They wait for other birds to finish, before hopping on the feeder. They relieve themselves elsewhere. They keep their cawing to a minimum, before sunrise. These gulls, though, phoah! — they frighten my finches, slop bird lime everywhere, screech across the courtyard at five in the morning — they’re the worst!