Ya Boo Sucks to Mr. Dolgonosov!

The squawking of the minigulls (and their noisily protective parents), seems to have hit critical mass, for Mr. Dolgonsov. This morning, bright and early, I heard him out in the garden, yelling “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” I hastened to the window, and there he was, grasping his tufts of yellowed hair, and glowering at the roof. I was hoping that would happen. If ever anyone deserved a cacophony from above, it’s Mr. Dolgonosov. He’s got at least another month of shrieking to look forward to, if not more — how long does it take a little gull to feather up and learn to fly? Quite a while, as I recall — six weeks? Eight? Somewhere in that range, I’m sure. Meanwhile, their little pipings grow more strident, each day. They’re even learning those irritating alarm calls: gah-gah-gah. Gah-gah-gah! Gah-gah-gah!

I’m also mildly annoyed by all the noise, but I have the antidote. I have an iPod. If Mr. Dolgonosov didn’t kick birds, I’d get him one, too. But he does, so I won’t.

Meanwhile, on the balcony:

In my excitement over the minigulls, I've rather been neglecting my more constant companions, the sparrows.  This is one of the worthless crapbawky's offspring.  So far, he (or she) remains fully-feathered.

In my excitement over the minigulls, I’ve rather been neglecting my more constant companions, the sparrows. This is one of the worthless crapbawky’s offspring. So far, he (or she) remains fully-feathered.

And outdoors (see? See? I was outdoors!):

I found a flower, just outside my building.  It was white.

I found a flower, just outside my building. It was white.

Epic Battle: Gull vs. Crow

Beware: the pictures below are not particularly good. But, if you share my sense of humour, they’re very funny. ;-)

So, this gull's cruising around, riding the air currents, all peaceful-like...

So, this gull’s cruising around, riding the air currents, all peaceful-like…

...when doesn't a great, squawking, aggressive CROW show up, out of NOWHERE, and steam in with a flurry of pecks!

…when doesn’t a great, squawking, aggressive CROW show up, out of NOWHERE, and steam in with a flurry of pecks!



After a brief tussle, the crow emerges victorious, and sails off into the, ehh, bright midday sky.

After a brief tussle, the crow emerges victorious, and sails off into the, ehh, bright midday sky.

Far below, the larger of the minigulls flaps its wings, and tells its brother how it's going to beat that crow up, one day.

Far below, the larger of the minigulls flaps its wings, and tells its brother how it’s going to beat that crow up, one day.