This has been a busy week, with little time for birds or birding — indeed, I’ve been spending more time with birds of legend, lately: I’m elbow-deep in a portrait of a kinnaree. So, for today, I’ve only this:
Pthbbbbt to you, too, chickadee.
Why do I find bird tongues so amusing? I don’t know. They’re just tongues. Birds have to, ehh…lick stuff, too, one presumes. But every time a bird sticks out its tongue, I laugh at it. Especially when it looks like this:
Question for the Internet: is there any way to encourage birds, especially crows, to open their beaks? — without annoying, damaging, or touching them, that is? The gulls are quite obliging with their tongues, but for all my efforts to photograph the inside of a crow’s mouth, I’ve yet to get that lucky shot. Maybe if my regular crows bring their fledglings round my feeder, they’ll feed them right there, like the sparrows do. If that happens, I should be able to snap a crow tongue, or two.
Also, here are some starlings —
I still haven’t been able to get properly close to a starling. I keep putting peanuts out, hoping they’ll see them, and come for a snack, but the gulls snap them up right away. Who knew gulls liked peanuts?
— and one more gull, to round things out: