A collection of my favourite house sparrow shots, from summer and early autumn, 2012.
House sparrows aren’t the most exciting of birds, but they’re certainly plentiful. If you ever set out food for house sparrows, don’t forget to shut any windows overlooking the feeder. If you don’t, you might wake up to find a sparrow in bed with you. Shoo, sparrow.
- A young sparrow flaps its wings, hoping to attract a free meal.
- A wing-flappety begging dance, performed by young sparrows in search of dinner. It usually works!
- A sparrow alights on the feeder, all in a flurry.
- This sparrow almost fell off the feeder!
- The sparrows are all lined up, waiting their turn.
- A young sparrow is fed.
- This sparrow is very hungry.
- An insatiable bird!
- These little birds are ALWAYS hungry.
- A house sparrow, moulting; not a good look.
- The wind has blown this sparrow’s feathers up into owl-like horns.
- Nice feathers, sparrow.
- It itches…it itches!
- Another bird had just finished jumping on this sparrow, when this picture was taken.
- This sparrow looks very creepy, but is only sunbathing.
- This sparrow is making a DO NOT WANT face. (Or sunbathing. Yes. Sunbathing.)
- The railing is rather slippery. Sparrows coming in for a landing have to do a skittery bird dance, to avoid sliding off the edge.
- I’m not sure what this sparrow is doing.