Worthless Crapbawky
Just when I thought the worthless crapbawky couldn’t get any uglier, it stopped by immediately following a mid-afternoon cloudburst. What a sorry-looking creature! How is it still alive? Isn’t it cold, with that great bare patch? It was round several times, today, feeding a peeping flock of wee ones. I suppose it can’t be too uncomfortable, as it’s still reproducing (and quite successfully, by the looks of things). Still, one can’t help but feel a bit sorry for it.

Oh, crapbawky! You’re so ugly. Especially when wet. Dry yourself off, puff yourself up, and pretend you don’t know why everyone’s staring at you.

If the minigulls keep growing at this rate, I’ll have to come up with a new word for them. Maxigulls?
Northern Flicker