My birding year began in delightful fashion, with a big ol’ American crow boaking up a big ol’ American crow pellet onto my balcony railing. And thanks for that, Mr. (or Mrs.) Crow.
I was complaining to Mother, a couple of weeks ago, about the proliferation of trash birds on my balcony, and she suggested I put up a “No Gulls” sign. Someone on Facebook made the same suggestion. I suspect these people simply feel they’d be entertained by pictures of “No Gulls” signs with gulls standing on them — which, let’s face it, would be the most likely outcome.
Speaking of gulls, say hello to my second visitor of the year —

Western/glaucous-winged hybrid? I’m really not sure. Whatever it is, it’s been trying to sneak into my feeder all morning.

This shot has not been cropped. The gull was really THAT close. (Bear in mind that this was shot with a 300mm prime lens, so “that close” is probably around 3.5-4 ft. It wasn’t about to peck the glass, or anything.)
— I had a few choice words for it, myself.
On another note, I was up bright and early again, this morning. A fog was down, and it was too murky for bird photography, so I snapped a few shots of the view from my balcony: