I saw that eagle again, yesterday, and once more this morning, but I’ve yet to get a decent picture of it. Great spoilsport keeps flying over at a ridiculous height, simply ridiculous, out of range of any reasonable lens. Rubbing salt in my wounds, a friend of mine, not even a birder, rang up yesterday morning to tell me about ALL the eagles he’s getting round his farm — he’s got eagles like I’ve got gulls, if his account’s to be believed. Some people have all the luck.
Contrast a bounty of eagles with this motley crowd:

A northern flicker came and sat on a railing across the courtyard. Flickers are among my favourite local birds, but this one elected to stay out of crisp-photography range.

I hoped to catch a nice shot of the flicker in flight, at least, but it went the wrong way, straight into a massive patch of glare.

For some reason, the starlings almost never come my way. You’d think they’d be all over my feeder, like the crows, but they’re not. Someone’s got a feeder high in the trees across the way, and they favour that one. (Not sure what those other birds are, off to the left — too many branches in front of them, and the shot’s not terribly clear, to begin with.)